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How to Structure a BJJ Training Week for Maximum Performance

I got the idea for this training plan after talking with JT Torres at BJJ and Beach Camp. He explained how he organizes his week into heavy, light and medium days to get the most out of his training week.

This approach is designed for aspiring athletes who want to train hard and reach the next level, not hobbyists who train casually. The key is alternating heavy, light, and medium days to keep progressing without burning out.

Why Heavy, Light, Medium?

The order of heavy, light, and medium days is a smart way to balance intensity with recovery. On heavy days, you push yourself the hardest when you’re the freshest. Then, on light days, you give your body a chance to recover by doing less intense work. Finally, medium days act as a bridge between the two, allowing you to stay sharp without overloading yourself.

  • Heavy Days: You focus on intense workouts when your body is well-rested. This could mean heavy lifting, intense sparring, or both.
  • Light Days: Light days let your body recover a bit while keeping your mind and technique engaged. You can do light sparring with lower belts or technique drills. The goal is to stay active without adding too much stress.
  • Medium Days: These are in-between days where you work hard but not to your maximum. Medium days allow you to build endurance and refine your skills without overloading your system.

You can change the order of days if necessary to fit your schedule, but keep the heavy days apart and make sure that you have a full rest day somewhere.

The Training Schedule

Here’s an example of how you can organize your week with this structure:

DaySession 1Session 2
Heavy Day (Intensity Block)
Strength training (high intensity, low reps)6×3 min cardiac power intervals (very hard rounds)
Light Day (Intensity Block)
Light sparring with lower belts
Medium Day (Intensity Block)
Medium intensity sparring sessionsLight sparring with lower belts
Heavy Day (Volume Block)
2×20 min threshold training (hard rounds)Strength training (high volume, more reps)
Light Day (Volume Block)
Light sparring with lower belts
Medium Day (Volume Block)
Medium intensity sparring sessionsMedium intensity sparring sessions
Rest Day

Why This Works

This structure works because it allows you to train hard, but also gives you time to recover. By alternating days of intense work with lighter sessions, you avoid overtraining and injury. This is much better than to train at medium intensity every time. You’re constantly improving your strength, endurance, and technique while letting your body recover between the hard days.

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